This bag was made exclusively for a “bag-it!”, (a non-profit cancer organization), fund-raiser.
New Stuff
This bag was made exclusively for a “bag-it!”, (a non-profit cancer organization), fund-raiser.
This is a variation of the ostrich vinyl tote for a friend’s client. After I finished this bag, I went shopping (read as researching) at a local mall. While cruising through the bag displays in a big box store, I overheard a woman say to her friend how much she really liked a certain designer’s bag but really disliked the gaudy logo/trinket…it was sooo tempting to offer to make her a bag that she could design and put her OWN initials on. Then there was a man looking for a bag for his mother. Again, I resisted temptation – besides I didn’t have a worthy sample on me or any business cards.
This was a custom order for a colleague’s mother.
This is a variation of the other ostrich vinyl totes. The father-to-be wanted functional picture-holder pockets for the kids’ art, hand and foot prints, and more.
Last minute addition was a changing pad to match!
This was my first tote on my industrial machine.
This was my second tote bag on my industrial machine and the pattern has morphed into what my “ostrich” vinyl bags are today.
This was a special request for a friend’s daughter; she was to have something custom that none of her friends could or would have.
This little bag is of mouse-themed vinyl placemats.
The bottom and sides are of upcycled hot pink suede.
This was an experiment with piping. I love the color combination, but had trouble sewing this on my Consew so used my regular sewing machine.
This was an experiment with store-bought handmade paper.